5 Things To Consider In A Rebrand

April 28, 2021

Is your brand feeling dull, and dare we say… basic? Are you feeling jealous of all the new design trends and want to upgrade your company’s look and feel? We get it! Sometimes you just need a refresh!


However, you should consider five important things before flying off the ‘rebrand’ deep end! Because if you don’t cover all your bases, you can quickly leave your current and potential customers incredibly confused. 


  1. Get a Bangin’ Logo That Speaks for Itself


If you’re rebranding, it’s easy to get caught up in what’s trendy and how you could ‘ride the wave’ of interweb popularity. But we urge you to stop and think before that happens. 


You want your logo to speak to your ideal audience, not just an ‘in the moment’ audience. The principle of longevity should always take precedence over current design fads, and the design should tell your company story instead of only focusing on the visual appeal. Hence why it’s essential to ask those questions of who the ideal buyer of my product is and what vibe will speak to them best (and it might not always be what you like). 


  1. Your Packaging Should Express Your Values


Good brand packaging looks and feels the part, but excellent brand packaging is the real McCoy.


What do we mean by that? Well, it’s vital that your packaging addresses all the customer’s pain points and pinpoints that feel authentic to you and your brand! For example – are you a cruelty-free, vegan company? Well… then your packaging should have the correct symbols listed on it and be made out of vegan and cruelty-free materials. It would help if you always aimed to honor your brand message on all fronts – even in the packaging.


  1. Think About Using Your Packaging as a Marketing Tool


Do you have call-to-actions printed on your packaging? Or did you leave it minimal? If you answered yes to the second question – here’s why it needs to change:


Well, thought-out packaging has informational branding on it that can help bring in more warm leads! Try including your IG handle on your packaging to lead them to your social platforms that help promote your brand and product! Or think about including a barcode to scan that offers 20% to returning customers! These are great ways to create a loyal following and encourage people to invest in your brand time and time again.

  1. You Should Tie Your Branding All Together


Girl – your packaging, logo, website, and social media promotional should all look like one big aesthetic dream! There is something to be said about a business that has cohesive branding. It honestly makes you look 10x more put together if your messaging is the same all across the board. So if there is a discrepancy between these multiple platforms, make sure you determine why and start to string it all together!


  1. Newsletters Should Be Branded Too


Believe it or not, you should brand your newsletter as well! That way, when someone opens up your digital love letter, they know it’s from your biz! Any newsletter that keeps customers guessing what you’re welling or where it’s from is a newsletter that has fallen off the tracks! So find ways to integrate your brand’s charm and make those newsletters feel like they’re part of the fam!


And hey – if you need some newsletter tips, our blog post on a great newsletter software may be able to help you out. 


So go forth, girlfriend! You’re now ready to rebrand. And if you get stuck? Just say hi, and we are here to help.

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