3 Question to ask web designers before signing a contract

3 Things to Do Before Signing a Contract with a Web Designer

August 12, 2020

3 Question to ask web designers before signing a contract

Investing into a brand new website can be a little scary. For one, you’re trusting someone else to take your brand and understand how to share it with the world and, for two, you’re investing probably more money than you have thus far.

It can be scary, overwhelming, & a little confusing at times. Here are 3 ways to alleviate some of the anxiety you may feel going into a new project with a new designer or developer:

1: ASK THE QUESTIONS. Before reaching out to a potential designer or developer, make a list of all the questions you have. Remember, there are no dumb questions. If at anytime you’re confused, ASK away. Ask for clarity, ask where the project stands, ask anything.

2: COMMUNICATE. Don’t ever feel like you can’t communicate. If you feel that way, you may be working with the wrong company. You should consistently keep an open line of communication.

3: BE PATIENT. Working in a project you aren’t educated on (ie: web design / development) can be a little confusing and there are several things that could take longer than you’d expect. Ask for timelines up front but also understand timelines can change with every request and every edit.

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